Crystals Healing

Crystals which are not energized, are like mere showpieces. Their healing energies need to be activated for them to bring beautiful changes in your life.

Crystals Healing

Om Namah Shivaay.

Hello my precious souls. 

Here I would tell you about the mystic healing properties of crystals.

Crystals are minerals in solid forms carrying spiritually healing energies.

These crystals need to be cleansed, charged and energized/programmed using different modalities by a healer, so that they can cater to healing different aspects of your life through their magnificent energies which are very high vibrations.

Crystals which are not energized, are like mere showpieces. Their healing energies need to be activated for them to bring beautiful changes in your life.

Naturally for any layman, it gets confusing which crystal to go for as we all have our own set of challenges going on. Some are struggling with constant depression & anxiety, some have financial issues, some have no love in their relationships, some are struggling with poor communication and so on.

In this arena, through my consultation, I can guide you about which crystal to go for, ensuring betterment of your situations. And being a Reiki Master channel myself, I can energize those crystals and program them with the specific intent as per your need.

Also, crystals are like beautiful jewellery, they can be not just kept at home or at work desk in raw form, you may also wear them as bracelets or pendants or rings, to keep their beautiful healing energies with you 24*7.

Thank you so much.

Love you all.

Pricing & Packages

Live Crystals Healing Through Audio/Video Call

30 min session

₹ 1,101/-

Note: Read Booking Instructions Before Make A booking.