Holy Fire Reiki Healing

Reiki is the divine healing energy of the entire universe, which can be given by a reiki channel either through distance healing or physically in person. 


Hello earth angel……!

Om Namah Shivaay.

This is Aastha, your spiritual healer.

Thank you for reaching this page.

I would like to now tell you about Holy Fire Reiki Healing.

Reiki is the divine healing energy of the entire universe, which can be given by a reiki channel either through distance healing or physically in person.

Fire element is used to ensure all dark, dead and stagnant energies are burned away and new pure energies are made way for.

We all have 7 major chakras in our body, and each such chakra represents some aspect of our life. Reiki healing is directly sent to these 7 chakras for activating, balancing and healing the same.

Thank you for choosing me as your reiki healing channel.

Would like to explain the procedure here:


First and foremost, it is important for me to know what issues you are going through in life, be it be in terms of health or career or relationships or finances. Even about behavioural issues or fears or addictions (if any). This would help me decide which of the 7 major chakras needs healing, balancing and activation. In case of serious health issues, I send reiki energies to specific body organs impacted.


Career issues and financial issues denote your root chakra needs healing.

Relationship issues denote your sacral chakra and heart chakra needs healing.

Confidence issues denote your throat chakra, and your 3rd eye chakra needs healing.

Digestive issues denote your solar plexus chakra needs healing.

Disturbed sleep denotes your 3rd eye chakra and crown chakra needs healing.

Anxiety, Depression and Anger issues denotes your heart chakra, 3rd eye chakra and crown chakra needs healing.

Similarly, a person having extreme back pain would be sent dedicated reiki energies to his/her spinal cord.

And not just healing, it (discomfort) may also mean that a person’s particular chakra needs balancing or activation.

So, while the reiki energies are being sent, reiki maa makes sure that the concerned chakra or body organ is healed, balanced, and activated.


Secondly, please provide your latest pic (full body), so that I can meditate and align in your energies to send you distance healing.

Be assured that I would be activating all the master symbols I have been attuned with for sending you divine reiki healings.


Thirdly, I would request you to lie down in a comfortable position, during the entire session while I would be sending you reiki healings.

Also, it would be preferable that you light a candle or a diya at your end too since I would be sending you holy fire reiki energies.


Fourthly, to inform you, one such session would take up to 30 mins. All you must do during the session is lie down comfortably, close your eyes, and visualise that the divine white & golden light is passing through your entire body, healing you and your life.

Keep visualising that this white golden light is healing every aspect of your life. Keep visualising a beautiful life that you desire to live, where you are happy and healthy.

If not able to visualise, that’s ok, just close your eyes and imagine the white divine light passing through you.


Kindly do not use the washroom during the session.

It would be better to do all such tasks before the healing, be it be washroom, meals etc.


Fifthly, it is very important on your part to receive/accept and disconnect with the reiki energies.

So, when the session starts, please say “Thank you reiki maa, thank you my guardian angels, I am now ready to receive reiki healing from Aastha”.

And when the session is over (I shall message you), please say “Thank you reiki maa for healing me, I now disconnect with Aastha”.

Thank you so much.

Love you all.

Pricing & Packages

Consultation Charges As Below

1 session ₹. 501/
6 session ₹. 2,501/
10 session ₹. 4,001/

* Remedies included in above

** Payments via Gpay and UPI accepted, Phone Number - 9711225264.